The Code of Fair Campaign Practices

What is the Illinois Code of Fair Campaign Practices?

In 1989, the Illinois legislature passed legislation to encourage every candidate for public office in this State to subscribe to the Code of Fair Campaign Practices, and follow the basic principles of decency, honesty and fair play. This was in order to encourage healthy competition and open discussion of issues and candidate qualifications and discourage practices that cloud issues or unfairly attack opponents. Subscription to the Code is voluntary.
At the time a political committee files its statement of organization, the State Board of Elections or the county clerk provides the political committee with a blank form of the Code of Fair Campaign Practices and a copy of the provisions of the Article.

Our challenge to Candidates at every level

We want to see fair campaigns in our communities and candidates who focus on the issues. Whether candidates are running for local school board or for Congress, we believe they should include information that is relevant and truthful in their campaign communications.
We are calling on all candidates running for office to commit to running an ethical campaign and sign the Illinois Code of Fair Campaign Practices prior to the March 19, 2024 Primary Election.

Have your elected officials signed the Code?

Our organization is maintaining a list of candidates in contested Primary races and whether or not they have signed the Code for the 2024 Primary. Click here to see this list.
You can look up any candidate who filed petitions with the Illinois Board of Elections on the Illinois Board of Elections website and see if they have signed the Code by following these steps:
  1. Go to the Illinois Board of Elections website
  2. Go to ”Campaign Disclosure” and search for the candidate under “Candidate Disclosure Search.”
  3. Enter the Candidate’s name, select the political Committee, and the election year.
  4. Note whether “Fair Campaign” says “Yes” or “No.”
Candidates who do not appear on the Board of Elections website may have signed the Code and submitted it to their local or county authority. Ask the candidate or their campaign how you can verify that they have signed the Code.

Candidates who have signed the Code in the March 19, 2024 Primary Election

We are delighted to see some candidates have signed the Illinois Code of Fair Campaign Practices in the March 19, 2024 Primary Election. Click here to see this list.